One of the most visible effects of warmer summers is that houses heat up considerably: this can lead to physical and mental complaints. We call this heat stress. In the project Thermo-status, residents throughout the Netherlands join forces with scientists from Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, investigative journalists from the VPRO and experts from Waag Futurelab. Together, we investigate the consequences of heat stress on our living environment.

Illustratie van iemand in glas met ijs op zoek naar verkoeling

The public as a research community

Citizen science is a way of researching the living environment together with people. Participants can map heat in their houses through low-cost and accessible open-source sensor technology. We provide them the tools to analyze open-source data, exchange knowledge and work on solutions.

Innovative partnerships between the public and journalism

In this project we experiment with innovative, equal collaborations between people and journalism. To this end, journalists from the Argos editorial team (VPRO) open up their investigative process. Citizen scientists are not only supported in understanding how heat develops in their homes, but are also in contact with journalists and experts to interpret the data and to think along about journalistic productions.



Waag Futurelab

Waag Futurelab uses its expertise in the field of citizen science, participation and open technology to give citizens more agency in their living environment. Citizen science is research that is not done on citizens, but with citizens.

Denis Costa, Teije Terhorst, Sylke van Duijnen, Lodewijk Loos, Taco van Dijk, Alain Otjens


Journalists from Argos, the researchers of VPRO, work together with citizen scientists and experts on journalistic stories about heat.

Geert-Jan Strengholt

Hogeschool van Amsterdam

The Climate-proof-City expertise centre of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (HvA) researches in the field of heat and climate resilience. In this project they also investigate whether and how people increase climate literacy.

Jeroen Kluck, Anna Solcerova, Lisanne Corpel

Technische Universiteit Delft (TU Delft)

TU Delft brings expertise in the field of climate adaptation and architecture. They investigate the environmental effect of the indoor temperature. TU Delft advises on research methods and is active on the community platform.

Marjolein van Esch

Thermo-status is a project of Waag Futurelab, VPRO, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences and TUDelft, supported by the Dutch Research Agenda (NWA), TAUW Foundation en NPO Innovatie. All rights reserverd.

→ Would you like to know more about project?

Please contact teije[at]